Friday, September 6, 2013

Attention ThePhotoboothCorner's lover!

Assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi semua, mulai minggu depan (10/9/2013) diba akan update katalog props stick mengikut kategori untuk memudahkan awak-awak semua pilih dan order. 

Lagi satu,mulai minggu depan jugak Diba akan mula cas extra 10% if awak-awak semua nak new design for props stick. Dan extra 2 hari untuk design props stick baru. Ini kerana Diba terima lebih dari 2 order props stick dalam seminggu. Kadang-kadang lebih. 

Terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kerana menyokong kami. Diba akan berusaha sehabis baik untuk memenuhi permintaan awak-awak semua. 

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to all ThePhotoboothCorner, 
Starting next week (10/9/2013), Diba will update our props stick's catalog according to category in order for you guys to pick. 

One more thing, starting next week Diba will charge extra 10% for new props stick. And also 2 additional days for finishing it. This is due to the fact we received more than 2 props stick's order in one week. Sometimes more than that. 

We at ThePhotoboothCorner are really grateful and thankful for the support. Diba and Sepol will always do our best to keep up with your requests.

Lots of Love,


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